Michael DeRosa can assist buyers, Sellers, or BROKERS in the following manner



Buyer's agent

Buyers may engage Michael derosa to work on their behalf and represent their interest with the purchase/lease of a property or business.


SELLER'S / listing AGENT

  1.  Traditional Listing listed by Michael DeRosa & entered into the Multiple Listing Service (MLS);

  2.  Privately held listing with Michael DeRosa Exclusively;

  3.  sealed-bid auction listing engaging Michael DeRosa to place the property or business up for bid.


co-listing / MARKETING AGENT

co-listing arrangements are available with mutual consent of all parties. for example: a seller may choose to List with a local broker of their choice conditioned upon involving Michael DeRosa to work in co-operation as an authorized:

1. co-listing broker; or

2. Co-operating MARKETING partner & promotional agent PARTICIPANT to create an elaborate marketing presentation; or

3. designated co-broker and appointed auctioneer.

outline of How THE auction process Works When Hiring Michael DeRosa to Work With a seller and its current listing broker:

  • The Seller and their Listing Broker agree to enter into an agreement with Michael DeRosa to conduct a sealed-bid auction marketing offering;

  • The agreement becomes an amendment to the Listing Brokers listing agreement and agency disclosure allowing Michael DeRosa the permission and authorization to act as the designated auctioneer & sealed-bid marketing firm;

  • The winning bidder is required to pay a Buyer’s Premium;

  • The Listing Broker retains their contract rights and entire commission;

  • The Listing Broker receives credit for the sale and retains the sale publishing & ranking status through the mls.


Referral AGENT

Referral fee Arrangements with michael derosa is an available option for brokers who would rather not participate in the transaction but desire to be paid a referral fee as if they had arranged the transaction.